3B Update, what I’ve done and where I’m going

So my Mom told me that next week on Wednesday I will be meeting with people at the Emmanuel Dining Room which is one of the Ministry of Caring projects. I’m excited about this because it means Brae’s Brown Bags will maybe have more helpers and also will have the chance to be given to more people.

So far I have given out 8 bags and I feel good about that.

We always have a bag with us while we are driving around.

There is a place near my house that often has a homeless person standing nearby but yesterday I saw a sign that says people aren’t allowed to loiter there anymore. I found out that means people must have complained about the people who would stand there. I don’t know if that will make a difference but it kind of makes me sad.

So like I said, on Wednesday August 7th I will visit another place who is interested in helping with Brae’s Brown Bags and I think it will be a good thing.

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